Our primary source of instruction is God's Holy Word, which the Apostle Paul describes as "breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness" (2 Tim 3:16) Weekly, the Pastors of TGCC@B teach fundamentals of the faith and preach The Word in a systematic, expository manner, according to established methods of interpretation.
Beyond Holy Scripture, the Elders provide a list of recommended reading resources, compatible with the church doctrinal statement and helpful for shaping our vision of being "salt and light" within our cultural context.
In addition, the Pastors write or share blog posts from time to time as a source of encouragement or warning for equipping the saints.
Links to these resources and more can be found below:

Resources for Renewing Your Mind

We believe that using photos of friends of all ages in our print and web publications fosters a greater sense of community. Photography and video of our church members and friends help to display the vibrancy and joy of our church community. We use photos to enhance the quality of our print materials, newsletters, website, social media, publicity, and fundraising. As a participant in our church events, you have a right to opt out of inclusion in photographs/media, but unless an opt-out form is signed and on file at the church office, participation at our church events implies permission for the use of images taken at those events.
To opt-out, please sign the form available below and turn in the completed form to the church office. Individuals who have submitted an opt-out form should also inform event photographers of their decision to opt-out so that they are not accidentally captured in crowd shots.